Category Archives: Biotechnology

Improve Soil Health and Crop Yields

Soil, as a dynamic system, represents one of the planet’s most biologically diverse habitats. This unconsolidated, variable layer, consisting of both mineral and organic materials, tends to be highly biologically active, covering a significant portion of the Earth’s land surface. In the context of the shifting mindset among contemporary planters, there is a growing focus […]

Soil Health for Sustainable Development of Agriculture

Soil occupies one of the most biologically diversified habitats Oil palm cultivation encompasses a substantial portion of planting areas in Malaysia, standing as one of the most lucrative commercial crops that significantly underpin the nation’s remarkable socioeconomic advancement. However, this crop necessitates a substantial uptake of essential macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients, primarily sourced from chemical fertilizers. The excessive […]

Importance of Non-Toxic Antimicrobial Solution for Agriculture

Non-toxic antimicrobial solutions play a vital role in agriculture as they offer numerous benefits for crop protection, food safety, and environmental sustainability. Key reasons: Disease Prevention Reduced Chemical Exposure Residue Management Resistance Management Environmental Sustainability Compliance with Regulations Organic and Sustainable Farming Overall, the use of non-toxic antimicrobial solutions in agriculture promotes sustainable farming practices, […]

Ensuring Benefits of Agropreneurs

Great Potential of Agricultural Industry  Agriculture is the world’s most important industry as many raw materials whether sugar, wood, cotton, palm oil, etc. come from agriculture. Even livestock and fisheries are under agricultural resources.  These materials are essential to major industries in ways many people are not even aware of, such as manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, diesel […]

The Growth of Agriculure

Food insecurity by 2030 According to United Nations, an estimated 840 million of the world’s population will face food insecurity by 2030 if the issue is not addressed immediately. Therefore, food security has become a top priority in many countries. In Malaysia, the Agriculture and Food Security Ministry (MAFS) said the food security situation is […]

Mosti Promotes the Use of Biofertilizers

Improve Nutrient Absorption and Soil Conservation to Increase Crop Yield According to The Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry (Mosti), biofertilizers were able to shield farmers from the rising cost of fertilisers due to a global supply shortage of raw materials. Therefore, Mosti promoted the use of biofertilisers and various technologies to improve nutrient absorption and […]