Tag Archives: #Bio Fertilizer

Improve Soil Health and Crop Yields

Soil, as a dynamic system, represents one of the planet’s most biologically diverse habitats. This unconsolidated, variable layer, consisting of both mineral and organic materials, tends to be highly biologically active, covering a significant portion of the Earth’s land surface. In the context of the shifting mindset among contemporary planters, there is a growing focus […]

Soil Health for Sustainable Development of Agriculture

Soil occupies one of the most biologically diversified habitats Oil palm cultivation encompasses a substantial portion of planting areas in Malaysia, standing as one of the most lucrative commercial crops that significantly underpin the nation’s remarkable socioeconomic advancement. However, this crop necessitates a substantial uptake of essential macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients, primarily sourced from chemical fertilizers. The excessive […]

Importance of Micronutrients for Plants

LKB biofertilizer

picture credited by University of Arizona Plant nutrient deficiencies often manifest as discoloration or distortion of the leaves and stems. Unfortunately, many problems have similar symptoms and sometimes it is a combination of problems, so managing the problem can be a bit of trial and error. Your plants are beneficial from TOPLAND biofertilizer with optimum […]


LKB biofertilizer

新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)改变了我们的正常生活,并对包括农业在内的大多数行业,产生了巨大影响。 农业是经济增长的基础,也是每个国家最重要的保障其消费的需求之一。 在大多数情况下,种植者、农民和农企,有两个主要的投入和产出问题,即成本和产量。 因此,在这种挑战性的形势下,农企需要进行战略调整以保持盈利和持续性经营。 劳务,运输,仓储,农药和化肥的使用,这些在采用新技术运转的农业精确管理中所有生产成本,都应在农业的新时代进行改革和重新体现。 凭着先进的SPBTech技术和内部配方,Topland生物肥料协助农企家们,减少了人工资源、运输量、存储、施肥量,因此节省了很大的成本,同时还能够满足种植营养的需求和产量目标。 Topland生物肥料是由LKB集团的研发部门开发。 数十年内,这项技术和经过验证的结果,已建立良好信誉并获得认可; 它是市场上唯一能够减少施肥量,并节省人工和运输成本的生物肥料。 多年来,许多农企家们最感兴趣的话题之一,即是LKB集团的尖端技术和独特配方。该配方,在中国的沙漠地区,表现出巨大的效益,从报告中显示提升了该地段土壤活力, 并帮助农民减少肥料和农药的使用,以及提高产量。 TOPLAND生物肥料的特殊性是丰富了土壤肥力,提高作物对疾病的抵抗力,促进种植物的健康和生长,增产并降解生产中的重金属。 由于减少了肥料的施用量,因此节省了大量的人工和运输成本。 TOPLAND生物肥料和SPBtech被定义为,可持续农业和精确农业的新纪元的革命性解决方案,使农业和种植业具备更高效、更有利的目标。 LKB集团的使命,是通过帮助种植者、农友和农企们降低运营成本,并提高土壤肥力和作物生产中,来帮助农企提高更明显的利润。 在施肥分类中,Topland满足了生态企业的供应链中,具备可持续发展的原则和标准(P&C)的要求,以提高农企业和其他利益相关者(例如棕榈油生产商)获得可持续棕榈油(RSPO)认证圆桌会议的资格。 人类的生活逐渐改善,每个人都在寻找更美好的未来。 可持续、友好生态和精细农业是世界的愿景。 故此,拥有最新技术SPBTech的Topland,是LKB为您进行更良好改革的最佳和最新实践。 常绿农业,始于您与LKB ~ 您的完美农业合作伙伴! 您决定,LKB提供!

Where is Our Healthy Soil?

Why Must You Choose LKB? In year 2012, LKB helped to improve the soil quality in the desert planting areas of Aksu, Xinjiang in China. Before attaching to LKB, the soil structure there was loose sandy with very high salt content. Other problems are poor water retention and low fertilizer capacity. 3 years experiment of […]

An Amazing Ecological Civilization

LKB biofertilizer

It is a dream for every human to have a beautiful home with blue sky, green ground and clean water. Building an ecological civilization for agriculture and community is also a dream of LKB Group. Treating environment and ecology well seriously, LKB applies concept of resources saving and protection of ecological environment when we develop […]

Tips – Cost Saving without Affecting Your Yield

LKB biofertilizer

Global pandemic (COVID-19) has changed our normal life and has huge impact on majority industries include agriculture. Agriculture is the fundamental of economic growth and is one of the most concern sectors for every country to secure the countries’ consumption demands. There are two main input and output concerns of planters, farmers and agropreneurs in […]

LKB 随时准备为您提供服务!

LKB biofertilizer

1991年2月28日马来西亚贸易委员会成立时,提出了马来西亚2020年的愿景。 2008年2月28日LKB成立时,也规划了成为领导市场的 “Leading Kingdom Builder”的目标。 今年2020年,正是踏入了马来西亚宏景的年份,却遇上了这一近百年来新冠肺炎疫情,传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的突发公共卫生事件发生。面对新冠疫情所造成的冲击,给人类上了一个『重新』思考和生活规范的警惕。 华人有句话:居安思危。这四个字,也是我们偶尔安逸或松懈时,顾问会给我们的温馨叮咛。只有在做好充沛的准备,才不会惊慌、恐惧的心理压力。情绪安稳,做起事情来,更事半功倍。 您在疫情发生前,是否也准备好了? 初创立时,顾问谢教授与集团执行长谢女士已看到前景的一些生活上的危机,例如土壤恶化、水源污染、微生物突变的问题,故此构思了多种解决危机的研发项目。在设计每个系列产品的配方时,对于在外观望不信任的人肯定会投以负面的评语,而谢女士却勇于接受改革和创新的概念,她与团队们积极投入大量资源去实践,让更多的领域受惠。 从不断的研发过程和获得成果后,LKB发明先进的“育护酶促生物离子技术(SPBTech)” 农业生物科技供生物肥料,和LCTech活性离子化科技供杀灭微生物及多功能用途,多年来已领先在市场。当然,我们也了解要让社会常规习惯和思维去接受新科技和理念,又是一个长期的挑战和教育。 我们团队一直保持初心,坚持『减少使用化肥』、『绿色自然产品』、『持续精致经营』的理念,让我们在很多挑战中依然竖立不倒。 我们长久做好准备、预防和保护,随时协助您!

Modern Farming with Innovative Biofertilizer

LKB biofertilizer

With the introduction of eco-friendly and green revolution technologies, Biofertilizer is one of the best modern tools for agriculture.It is a remarkable gift of our modern agricultural science.  Biofertilizers are applied in the agricultural field as one of the best replacements to synthetic input of conventional fertilizers.  Biofertilizer focuses on the growth of plants and the sustainability of soil at the same time. […]