World Food Day 2020

“Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together. Our Actions Are Our Future.”

Together, we can make a difference.

Every year, World Food Day endeavors to promote food and preserve food resources. Food is the essence of life and the bedrock of our cultures and communities. In decades, LKB has made significant progress in improving agricultural productivity with innovative technology, professional team and experienced knowledge to transform and improve the ecological and agricultural system.

With vision to be name of LKB – “Leading Kingdom Builder”, as a leader in taking care of you today, tomorrow and days to come. New technologies promise revolutionary changes for agropreneurs, farmers and planters. With opened arm and mind, LKB welcomes collaborative partnerships with local and international governments, organizations and agropreneurs to offer adequate ways for growing agriculture’s current and future situation. In light of global crisis, LKB executes responsibility to achieve our visions with theme “Together We Build A Cleaner, Healthier and Better Future”.

Efforts of LKB:

1. “Little Amount for Optimum Value” – LKB always advocates and encourages agropreneurs to apply Topland Biofertilizer with appropriate amount which make crops production in optimum value. By using lesser of application with in-house SPBTech, the farmers and planters are still able to receive satisfied outputs of yield and quality. LKB ensures the basic needs such as income, quality and saving of farmers and planters in a win-win position.

LKB biofertilizer
LKB biofertilizer

2. “Prevention and Protection” – LKB emphasizes on prevention and protection of having polluted impacts on soil, underground water and ecological system. Research and Development of LKB attempts with full commitment to produce eco-friendly and pollution-free products to prevent worsen impacts of crisis that the world is facing and also to protect the ecological system in long-term.  

3. “Knowledge Sharing and Technical Training” – LKB shares knowledge selflessly and exchanges ideas with communities as well as provides technical training in order paving the way to a better future for food and agriculture. With multiple programs, LKB ensures the effectiveness of education programs with innovative facilitation

4. “Cultivation of Elite Generation” – Sustainable agriculture needs more engagement of technical youth to advance agriculture productions with innovative ideas, technologies and applications. Through collaborative affiliations with KPMM and other related organizations, LKB cultivates and empowers the motivated and elite young generation to involve in farming with strengthening image of agriculture.  

Indeed, there are and will be more upcoming programs of LKB held currently and in coming near future. To Grow, Nourish and Sustain the agriculture, LKB works hand-in-hand together with you and the world for a cleaner, healthier and better future.  

lkb shines together with you

Healthy Life, Healthy World

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